Photo by Karlena Pickering
Catherine Washburn Medical Association is happy to have the following entities supporting our local clinic.
UW Medicine-Lopez Clinic
In 2017, UW Medicine began offering comprehensive medical care services for the entire family at the Lopez Island Clinic as one of their Neighborhood Clinics, which are well respected around the region.
Lopez Island Public Hospital District
Administers tax revenue in support of health care. In 2017 the voters of Lopez Island extended their support of local health care by overwhelmingly approving formation of this taxing district.
Physical Therapy
Lopez Island Physical Therapy, now an independent physical therapy practice, continues to serve the Lopez community. They have recently moved into a new facility which allows them to expand their practice and meet growing patient need in the Lopez Island community
Lopez Island Fire and EMS
San Juan County Fire District 4 (on Lopez Island) serves the community through the protection of life, property, and the environment. The District provides this service through education, prevention, preparedness, and mitigation.