Photo by Karlena Pickering

Did You Know This about Catherine Washburn Medical Association (CWMA)?

Did you know that without CWMA Lopez would not have the Clinic or Physical Therapy as we know them today? CWMA raised money to build the clinic in 1974. It owns the land and the building, charges the UW Clinic highly subsidized rent, and purchases and maintains much of their equipment. CWMA also helps Lopez Island PT with rent and equipment purchases.

Did you know that our local pharmacists, Rick and Marge McCoy, want to retire and ensure that Lopez Pharmacy has a new owner to continue to provide the services we need? Negotiations with the buyers are nearly concluded and CWMA is committed to providing funding to help make the transition a success.

Did you know that CWMA maintains the Sikstrom fund to help ensure that all Lopezians can afford healthcare throughout the year? And that CWMA provides assistance to Lopez Fire and EMS? CWMA also helped out in many ways during Covid: nurses’ licensing fees, vaccine clinics, and the materials for many of the handmade masks made locally.

Did you know that CWMA is funded completely by your donations? We rely on continuing donations to provide support for ongoing services year after year. We encourage you to become a member, and to sign up for annual renewal. For info about our Fall Fundraising Drive, go to We could not do what we do without your support!

CWMA’s purpose, since 1971, is to assist in whatever way possible in the construction and maintenance of medical facilities on Lopez Island. We support a variety of medical-related services for our community and work with the Lopez Island Hospital District (LIHD) to ensure high-quality, island-appropriate care.

Fall 2022