Board of Directors
CWMA Board of Directors
The Catherine Washburn Medical Association (CWMA) is the volunteer board that manages CWMA support for the Lopez clinic by providing the facility and equipment. CWMA collects and manages donated funds to assure that the Lopez clinic and other medical services continue to be available here on Lopez. The University of Washington Medical Clinic leases the clinic building from CWMA and operates the clinic. CWMA also provides leased space, building maintenance, and equipmenrt for Lopez Island Physical Therapy (LIPT), and support as needed for Lopez Fire and EMS (FIRE), the Lopez Island Pharmacy as well as emergency assistance to the community during the COVID pandemic. These unique relationships keep our island medical services on the leading edge of medical developments and technology and support the medical needs of the Lopez Island Community.
Katherine Bryant Ingman, President
Taya Higgins, Vice President
Anne Hall, Secretary
Jeff Clark, Treasurer
Kerby Phelps
Willem (Bill) Post van der Burg
Bob Buchholz
Randall Dickson
Candace Downey
Buildings & Grounds: Bill Post van der Berg, Kerby Phelps
CWMA Communications: Katherine Bryant Ingman, Anne Hall, Candace Downey
LIHD Communications: Taya Higgins, Randall Dickson
Nominations & Annual Meeting: Katherine Bryant Ingman, Bill Post van der Berg
LIHD Liaison: Taya Higgins, Randall Dickson
Fundraising & Membership: Jeff Clark, Randall Dickson, Bob Buchholz
Investment: Jeff Clark, Kerby Phelps, Randall Dickson
Board Member Bios…

Katherine Bryant Ingman

Taya Higgins
Vice President
Taya and Mike discovered Lopez bicycling in the 70’s, bought property in the 80’s and became full-time residents in 2004. She spent 25 years at Seattle Children’s Hospital as a pediatric nurse practitioner and clinic manager. After moving to Lopez, she worked at Orcas Medical Center and then Lopez School. The access to quality medical care on Lopez is of primary importance. Her involvement in the Lopez community includes participating on the Friends of the Lopez Island Library board. She also worked with the SJ County health department as a contact tracer during the first year of the pandemic, as well as volunteering with the vaccine clinics on Lopez

Anne Hall
Anne began her career as a teacher, counselor and administrator at preschool through college levels. Later she was ordained, and in 2011 moved to Lopez with her husband, Dr. David Hall, to pastor the Lutheran Church. Once retired, she served on the board of the Lopez Community Land Trust, and now volunteers with Island Rides and Meals on Wheels. Deeply concerned about the people of Gaza, Anne and David have been on eight Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility (WPSR) medical missions to that enclave. Also through WPSR, they have worked tirelessly for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Anne is committed to supporting healthcare services on Lopez.

Jeff Clark
Jeff and his wife Terry have had property on Lopez for over 20 years and primary residence here since 2018. Jeff’s business for over 25 years was medical device rep/distributor with primary focus on pacemakers and implantable defibrillators. Prior to that Jeff and Terry established 2 group homes for the elderly in Bellevue, WA. They created a foundation working in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. which allowed them to take large medical teams to work in Haiti starting at the onset of the cholera epidemic. They supported a permanent clinic in an internally displaced community called Canaan, as well as temporary clinics in many other remote areas. In addition, they provided land for a school in Haiti as well as a separate land grant for an orphanage of over 100 children. They appreciate the strong community culture of Lopez and hope to contribute as best possible.

Kerby Phelps
Kerby Phelps purchased property on Lopez in 1974, and became a full-time resident in 1977. He worked for various contractors, then formed his own business in 1992, as a general contractor. This business continues to the present day. He has engaged in community volunteerism over the years. He and a friend operated a teen club at the Lopez Grange from 1987 thru 1999, and he has contributed to other youth related activities. Kerby is an active member of the Lopez Island Grange, and serves on the board of Lopez Island Community Church. He was project manager for the extensive remodel of Lopez Community Church sanctuary in 2002 -2003. Kerby is entering semi-retirement, and looks forward to continued involvement in his community.

Willem Post van der Burg
Willem (Bill) Post van der Burg is a resident and small business owner on Lopez Island. He runs a small custom cabinetry-woodworking shop with several employees. Having grown up and gone to public school on Lopez, Bill has developed deep roots in the Lopez community and does not have plans to leave anytime soon. He and his wife, Helen, plan to build a home as their family grows. Bill is grateful to have been given the privilege to call Lopez his home and looks forward to opportunities to help shape the future of this community.

Bob Buchholz

Randall Dickson
Randall and his late husband, Ron Walters, have lived on Lopez for over 25 years. He is a recently retired Emergency Medicine PA for over 26 years. In addition to providing direct patient care to newborns to geriatric patients, he has been the President of the Washington Academy of PAs and has been a House of Delegate several times with the American Academy of PAs. Randall has also been on The Hamlet board, is currently Vice President of his HOA on Lopez. He has participated in fund raisers for the Lopez Home and Hospice, the Friends of the Library and The Hamlet.

Candace Downey
Candace Downey has lived on Lopez for the past 19 years. She is employed by San Juan County Health and Community Services in the Maternal Child Health Division, currently serving as the WIC & Breastfeeding Coordinator. Equitable access to health care on Lopez is of huge interest to her. Candace was drawn to Lopez for its unique community spirit. Contributing back to the community are attributes she hopes to instill in her two sons Seamus and Ronan. Candace most recently served as the Lopez PTSA President and continues to volunteer time whenever possible at the Lopez School.