Donate Now
Your Donation Can Make a Big Difference
Fall is the time for CWMA’s traditional Membership Drive. Please support us now!
Please see our Guide to Giving for more details about membership and our various investment funds.
If you have already filled out the Online Donation form and the payment was not processed by PayPal, please go to #2 below to complete the payment processing.
Contact cwma@catherinewashburnmedical.org if you need help.
Please choose one of the following options:
1. To Pay Annual Membership and/or Donate Online:
Click on the button below:
There is a membership form to fill out and you can select which funds you want to donate to. You will be taken to PayPal to complete your donation. You do not need a PayPal account, you can use any credit card.
Thank you.
2. To setup a Monthly Recurring Donation or complete an Online Donation:
Click on the button below:
Donations will go to the general fund or to funds chosen on the Online Donation Form. Donations are processed by PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account, you can use any credit card.
3. To Pay Annual Membership and/or Donation by Mail:
Download our CWMA Donation Form and mail it with your donation to
Catherine Washburn Medical Association (CWMA)
PO Box 309
Lopez Island, WA 98261