About CWMA
Catherine Washburn Medical Association
The Catherine Washburn Medical Association CWMA) was formed in 1971 in memory of Catherine Washburn. A sincere community supporter, Catherine was in the real estate business and made Lopez her home from 1941 until her passing in 1971.
The Articles of Incorporation state:
“The purpose for which the corporation is organized is to provide a legal entity which can accept gifts and donations, and expend the same, in assisting in whatever way possible in the erection, completion and maintenance of medical facilities on Lopez Island, San Juan County, State of Washington.”
CWMA began by raising funds for the original 30×30 ft clinic building, which was completed in 1974, and has continued to provide financial support for several expansions and much needed state-of-the-art equipment for the Lopez Clinic. CWMA provides the building and maintenance there of, including grounds and Helicopter Pad. In addition, we have provided the medical equipment in the clinic.
CWMA also owns the majority of medical equipment in the clinic and willingly purchases new equipment as needed. It truly is the backbone and the ‘behind-the-scenes’ partner for the clinic.
Healthcare on Lopez changed significantly in 2017 when an agreement was made with UW Medicine to take over operation of the clinic and the Lopez Island Hospital District was formed. CWMA was the key player during that transition period starting in 2016. We evaluated potential partners, formed the Lopez Island Hospital District, and funded the transition to the UW partnership, CWMA has continued to support the clinic by providing the building, as well as the equipment they need and the assurance that it will be well maintained. CWMA worked with Lopez Island Physical Therapy and supported them in leasing new space, making modifications to meet their needs, and eventually occupying the new space in July 2019. CWMA provides ongoing support by subsidizing their rent and helping to provide needed equipment. In 2019, CWMA donated funds to Lopez Island Fire and EMS to purchase a new, state-of-the-art heart monitor/defibrillator.
CWMA’s purpose has always been to support the Lopez Clinic. This purpose is now changing and expanding to support other services as the healthcare scenario on Lopez changes and evolves.
For a history of CWMA and the clinic,
- read A Vintage Lopez Tale – CWMA’s 40th anniversary edition of Health Matters Newsletter, Summer 2012
- read Clinic Turns 30 – Looking Back, Looking Ahead – Health Matters Newsletter, Summer 2004.

Breaking Ground for Clinic – 1973
From left to right above: Bill Carpenter Senior (owner of the original Lopez Store where Fudge Factory is), Howard Cole (retired NOAA Captain and farmer), Charlie Washburn (Original Clinic chairperson and LVC chairperson), Don Poole (contractor on the original clinic building), Don Gwen (Community Church Pastor at the time), and John Ottenheimer (architect of the original clinic building and planner of Lopez Village planned unit development). The land was donated to the Clinic by Lopez Village Corp. of which Jerry Eads (not shown) was the main officer/project manager.

Breaking Ground for Addition – 1999
Mireille Paulson with shovel
Editor’s note: This article (below) was originally published in 1994 to celebrate Lopez clinic’s 30th Anniversary. Dr. George Dengler, often quoted here, passed away in 2007.
Picture this. It’s 1971 on Lopez Island. There are about 600 year-round residents. If you get sick, you go to Friday Harbor to see Dr. Heath – or wait until he flies to Lopez to see patients at the barbershop. There are no EMTs, paramedics or Med Flight, no pharmacy, no dentist, no Hospice and Home Support and no veterinarian either.
It was that absence of medical care that spurred Pat Roe to propose building a medical clinic on Lopez in 1972. Shortly after Catherine Washburn’s death in September 1971, Pat, one of Catherine’s co-workers at Washington House Realtors, worked with her family to form the Catherine Washburn Medical Association (CWMA), the non-profit
that not only would build our clinic but continues to this day to fund it, guaranteeing that excellent healthcare stays right here on Lopez.
“Pat knew the time was right,” says Charlie Washburn, one of Catherine’s sons and the first president of the board of the CWMA. “He was very organized, a hard worker and committed to making it happen.”

Breaking Ground for Clinic – 1973
The Lopez Village Corporation Board, donated land in the village for the clinic. “Fundraising was ongoing, but we didn’t have a goal because we didn’t know how much a clinic would cost,” says Charlie. In 1972, architect John Ottenheimer developed a design and an estimate for just under $40,000 to construct a 900-square-foot clinic. “Once we had a goal based on a cost estimate, some people made substantial donations and others made matching donations,” Charlie remembers. “When we got to around $30,000, we said ‘Okay, it’s time to start construction.’ We trusted we’d get enough money to finish.” (Photo on right: Clockwise: Don Poole, contractor; Jerry Eads, donor of the clinic property; John Ottenheimer,architect; and Charlie Washburn, Catherine’s son, break ground for Lopez clinic in 1973.)
The original plan was to hire a nurse practitioner to work with Dr. Heath. In 1973, a Lopez woman went to Seattle to study to fill that position, but fell in love there and never returned. “The whole idea of a nurse practitioner evaporated,” says Charlie.

The Denglers: early days at Lopez clinic.
Little did the CWMA Board know that Seattle physician George Dengler was ready to leave his busy family medicine practice in Mountlake Terrace and move full-time to the island. Dr. Dengler approached the Board about becoming Lopez Island’s first full-time physician. “We were surprised and elated that a doctor was interested,” Charlie recalls. “Although we didn’t know anything about George, we liked him and felt he would be a good fit.”
Dr. Dengler and his wife Hildegard ran the clinic single-handed that first year and stayed with it for nearly twenty years. The clinic opened its doors on April 12, 1974. Hildegard recalls, “George was his own nurse – he gave all the shots, drew the blood and took X-rays.” Dr. Dengler adds, “The first years were rough, but they were good years. I had to go with the flow. A lot of mealtimes were interrupted.”
It’s fitting that Charlie Washburn was the first scheduled patient. “I really needed a physical; I hadn’t had one in years,” he says. “George told me it was the only physical I’d get on the house.”
Dr. Dengler recalls he was busy from the very first day. “There was a huge backlog of untreated and undiagnosed chronic disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. There were plenty of tragedies, too – plane crashes, motorcycle deaths, suicides. There wasn’t a vet on the island. People would call about injured pigs, dogs, cats. It was tempting, but I never treated them.” Without a pharmacy on the island, Dr. Dengler had to be creative about getting prescriptions filled. If he called prescriptions in to the Friday Harbor pharmacy by 3 p.m., the medicines would be on the 4 p.m. mail plane to Lopez. Patients made the pick-ups themselves.
Another important event happened the year the clinic opened: Dr. Ted Phillips and his wife bought property on Lopez. “I went in to introduce myself to George,” Dr. Phillips remembers. “He said he knew about me because I bought Dick Navarre’s property.” Over the next fourteen years, Dr. Phillips served as Associate Dean and Acting Dean at the University of Washington School of Medicine where he developed the Department of Family Medicine. One of his goals there: to increase the number of doctors in rural areas. “Every time I saw George I’d say something like – sometime I’ll want to get back into family practice.” In 1988, Dr. Dengler was ready for a long vacation. He smiles, “I paid the Dean to work for me.”
“It was fun,” Dr. Phillips says, “like my seven years of solo practice in Alaska. I did house calls, again – I missed them in the city.” Ted continued as George’s back-up for five years.

George and Hildegard Dengler reminisce about their 20 years together at Lopez clinic.

Dr. Bob Wilson became the clinic physician in March, 1997.
Clinic Turns 30 – Looking Back, Looking Ahead – Health Matters Newsletter, Summer 2004
Read full article
Third Groundbreaking at Lopez Clinic Kicks Off Expansion– Islands Weekly – December 1999
Read full article

This portrait of Dr. Dengler, by Lopez artist Christa Malay, hangs in the clinic lobby.
First Clinic, First Doctor for lucky Lopez Island – Friday Harbor Journal, March 31, 1974
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Lopez Welcomes their Doctor – Friday Harbor Journal, March 31, 1974
Read full article
Clinic Grand Opening – Lines From Lopez, a Special Section of the Orcas Island Booster, Spring 1974
Read full article
Florence Burke Letter about starting the Thrift Shop – which has provided ongoing support to CWMA as well as many other local groups.
Read letter
Dr. Dengler’s obituary – November 9, 2007.